MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support)
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Deer Valley Unified School District has a shared belief that the primary responsibility of each member of the organization is to ensure high levels of learning for every student. Through our Collaborative Team process, we are able to use data to determine the learning needs of each student, monitor and adjust instruction, provide interventions, and plan learning extensions for enrichment. MTSS requires an all hands on deck approach to meet both the academic and behavioral needs of our students.
There are four critical components that guide the MTSS framework in DVUSD. These components are collective responsibility, concentrated instruction, convergent assessment, and certain access.
1. Collective responsibility: A shared belief that the primary responsibility of each member of the organization is to ensure high levels of learning for every child.
2. Concentrated instruction: Curriculum is developed based on identified essential learning. Personalized learning paths are developed in order for each student to attain a high level of mastery.
3. Convergent assessment: The systemic use of data to determine the learning needs of each student and monitoring the effectiveness of instruction in regards to meeting those needs.
4. Certain access: There is an articulated process that guarantees each student the support and time he/she needs in order to learn at high levels.
Muli-Tiered Systems of SupportTier 1 instruction, also known as core instruction, is content/grade level essential standard instruction that each student receives on a daily basis. For the majority of students, Tier 1 instruction will meet their academic needs. Tier 2 instruction is supplemental instruction for students who need additional support in learning essential standards.
Tier 2 instruction is intended to be timely and coordinated with Tier 1 instruction. Tier 2 needs and interventions are identified during Collaborative Team conversations referencing the four critical questions.
Tier 3 instruction is intensive support provided to students who are struggling with significant learning gaps and need academic and/or behavioral support. Typically, these students have not acquired the appropriate course/grade level skills yet to be successful in solely Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction. Tier 3 provides an additional level of support to help students develop foundational skills. Students receiving Tier 3 instruction also receive Tier 1 and 2 instruction.
The diagram below illustrates the three tiers.