Fundraising and Smart Snack Standards

  • The National Smart Snack in Schools Standards apply to fundraising on school campuses during the school day. This means that any food items sold or served as a fundraiser would need to meet the same nutrition standards as other competitive foods on the school campus. The National rules published by the USDA permitted individual states to allow infrequent exemptions of the nutrition standards for fundraising events. When the Smart Snack Standards went into effect in July 2014, the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) had opted for no fundraising exemptions. In April of 2015 was signed into law by Governor Doug Ducey which states that ADE shall issue exemptions to allow schools to conduct fundraisers that include the sale of foods of minimal nutritional value (i.e. that do not meet the Smart Snack Standards). AZ Senate Bill 1267 also allows school districts to develop rules that are more stringent than the State or National standards. 

    成人视频色情片Current Fundraising Policy

    It is the position of the 成人视频色情片that all fundraising activities targeting students will meet the national Smart Snacks in Schools standards with no allowed exemptions. For other fundraising, there will be one allowed exemption per school, each academic year.  The exemption must be applied for through Arizona Department of Education and will then be granted by 成人视频色情片Food & Nutrition, if allowable. Please view the Smart Snacks AMG for more information or contact

    成人视频色情片recognizes their responsibility to provide students with an environment that allows them to learn and to practice healthy behaviors. Students spend 6 hours a day at school for approximately 13 years of their lives. These years make up a critical period in students social, psychological, physical and intellectual development1 and are critical years for developing lifelong eating behavior2. As a result, 成人视频色情片wants to promote a healthy lifestyle through the social norms we establish with our policies, practices and supportive environments.  By applying these Smart Snack standards to all venues, including fundraising, we ensure we are sending a consistent message of health in the classroom, lunch room and beyond. Finally, these rules help support parent’s efforts to feed their children healthfully.

    成人视频色情片also recognizes that this policy will likely require student groups to modify their fundraising methods. To help facilitate a focus of health and wellbeing in our district fundraisers the Food & Nutrition Department has made healthy fundraiser resources available below.


    This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

  • Quick and Easy Fundraising Summary

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